The mannequin – From planning to selling the piece
Whoever observes the final result of a store window, is far from imagining all the work of creation and development involved in the pieces displayed on the mannequins.
Usually, for each creation there are months of research, hundreds of sketches, fitting tests and quality tests. In addition, reaching the best possible result requires the involvement of some professionals and the mandatory existence of some stages. Stylists, modelers and dressmakers are some of the professions involved in the result that the customer sees in the store.

It all starts with the work of a stylist who passes his sketches to modelers to develop the pilot pieces. Each professional combines their technique and creativity, adjusted to each piece in order to give life to it, around the support of a sewing mannequin or appropriate bust. Ultimately, the necessary adjustments are made and, between us, these are the ones that make the difference in the development of the piece later, once it reaches the production line. Some tips:
- Using a sewing mannequin will allow you to produce better quality work.
- Mannequins are durable and able to withstand the constant stress seen in sewing applications, so they represent a smart investment in the long run.
- Measuring a piece of clothing is easier when it is dressed on a mannequin, in front of a table.
- Even if your piece is still unfinished, you can attach it to a mannequin to maintain its shape and figure.
- In the end, a sewing mannequin will allow you to see exactly how a particular piece falls into the shape of a body.
A good creative process ensures that the pieces developed, by a brand or by you, are consistent with your identity and are able to relate to your target audience, guaranteeing sales. That is the real importance of good planning and execution.

Even so, the use of mannequins and busts is not only part of the creative process, but also part of a very important process of assembly and presentation in the store. That is why it is necessary to take into account that the use of mannequins represents the best way to present a piece to a customer.
All of this happens until the final moment when each piece is considered ready for sale and is displayed on a display mannequin.
While these new concepts echo in your mind, put into practice the ideas, which we leave here, the next time you are thinking about creating a new part, designing a new product, planning a production line or even preparing a new store experience for your customers. Get inspired with our mannequins and busts!